our story

In September of 2017, Pastor Caleb was serving as a youth pastor in downtown Evansville. He was sensing that God was calling him to more and that there had to be more to church than he was seeing and experiencing. In the fall of 2017 Caleb clearly heard God say "Caleb quit looking for change and go be the change." Caleb knew that he had to act on the word he had gotten from the Lord, so that evening he went home and told his wife that he thinks the Lord is calling them to start a church. She confirmed the word when she told Caleb "I have been feeling that on my heart for a couple of weeks now." After a lot of prayer, fasting, and asking the Lord for wisdom, the initial launch team of 8 people decided in December of 2017 that they were going to launch Rhythm Church. The journey to this point has been nothing short of a miracle. We have been able to build some awesome connections that come from the favor of the Lord with some churches around our community, and churches and public figures around the country. Some of those connections include: Life Church, Church Unlimited, Church Home, New Spring Church, Red Rocks Church, Overflow Church, Davey Blackburn, and Lisa Bevere. The list could go on and on of how God has provided miracle after miracle. We are excited to be a move of God and hope you will join us build His kingdom.