


SOAR is a grief ministry located in Evansville, with our home base being at Rhythm Church. We have gatherings for child loss mothers and grandmothers on the last Friday of every month at 6 p.m.

Our gatherings will be a place of fellowship for women. We want this to be safe place for your journey of grief, surrounded by moms that have been where you are now. You and your precious child are so special to us and most importantly to the Lord!

but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like EAGLES. they will run and not grow WEARY; they will walk and not be faint. - Isaiah 40:31

soar also offers CRISIS services, including but not limited to:

custom memorial baskets, meals provided after memorial services, help in the planning of funeral services for the family (balloon releases, songs, verses etc.), 24/7 on call crisis intervention specialists, advocacy services during the funeral process for the family, partnerships with local boutiques (for burial clothing, swaddles, blankets), group and private grief counseling.

director and founder of soar

kat van hook

The story behind Soar:

kat van hook is a wife to her husband William, and a mother of two boys, Eli & Isaiah. Eli is three years old, while Isaiah is forever five months old. Isaiah returned to heaven after unexpectedly passing away to SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome.) Kat has found that leaning on her faith amidst the loss of her youngest son has been DIFFICULT BUT is also the one thing that has kept her eyes looking above. She has found writing about her son, his life & his death, impacted on her, as well as others. isaiah’s story has molded her pain into power. whether you have found yourself here by accident, or you are a newly bereaved mother yourself, you are safe here. Grief can feel so lonely, here you have an army behind you.

Contact us:

By phone: (812) 760-1908

by email:
